Our Services
Church Services

Sunday Schedule

•• Fellowship and Coffee - In the Parish Hall - 10:15 a.m.

•• Holy Eucharist - 11:00 a.m.


The principal service at the Church of the Messiah is the Holy Eucharist, or Holy Communion. Receiving Christ’s Body and Blood in this Sacrament strengthens us to serve God in every part of our lives. We celebrate the Eucharist at every regular worship service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. We welcome all baptized Christians to the Lord’s table.

The Church of the Messiah offers worship from the Anglican and Episcopal tradition, which follows the Book of Common Prayer. Our services follow the same basic format, using prescribed readings from the Bible, a sermon, affirmation of faith, prayers of the people, confession of sins, exchange of the peace, and communion. Our worship is led by a priest and well-trained lay leaders. The Order of Worship is printed in a bulletin so that visitors can participate fully in worship. Members of the church are always willing to help those new to the Episcopal Church follow the service.

In our worship you will find quiet time for reflection, prayer, and affirmation of faith contained in the creeds of the Church. Our hope is that you will experience the presence of God in moments of love, joy, and peace.

We invite you to join us for Sunday worship, or for any of the special services we offer throughout the year. If you would like to learn more about the Episcopal Church, feel free to contact us or visit one of our links.
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